Welcome to FASTfood. After much deliberation, I have decided to dedicate my first blog to Plus Size Divas!
The term "Plus Size Diva" was first introduced to me by a friend few years ago referring to just that...Plus Size Divas. It was amazing how 3 little words made me feel great about being...well, fat! And yes, that's what I am! No dressing on this salad. I'm what my aunt and her friends call "babes".
Picture Courtesy of Plus Model Mag |
Our society shuns girls like us. Passing comments like, "Oh I hope you're on your way to the gym" and "Should u really be having that slice of cake!?" making life all the more difficult for us to get by, adding yet another societal judgement to our books.
Which is why I love the phrase "Plus Size Diva" so much! They are not just "thick" ladies who embrace the fact that they're plus size, yet wear slops and tents to the mall in an effort to show the world how comfortable they are with themselves.
Relebogile Mabotja (love this lady): Courtesy of owens.co.za |
Plus Size Divas steal the room they just walked into. They love to look good. They make people stop, make people stare, and sometimes leave their jaws dropped! Plus Size Divas, embrace their God given body. Every single curve, roll, dimple.... Although at times their insecurities get the best of them, they still wake up, dress up, and show up...even for a trip to the garage for some milk.
Picture courtesy of Plus Model Mag |
They are the leading stars in the movie of their life (you'd be surprised how many people aren't).
Well, blah blah blah, I could go on forever! In a nutshell, I'm SO inspired by my fellow PSDs. If you have big hips, a pot belly, a big ass, big boobs, or all of the above....lol, EMBRACE THEM, LOVE THEM, FLAUNT THEM!
Be fat and FABULOUS!
*raises glass of champagne*
Here's to Plus Size Divas!
Go on wit ur bad selves!! WHOOP!!
Above pictures courtesy of Plus Model Mag |